You can improvise and combine lunar and solar cards as you want. Lunar and solar cards can be used independently, without the matrix of the first deck, "Zodiac and Runes". At the same time, in combination with the first deck of cards, the work is more powerful and efficient. For a comprehensive analysis of the situation and modeling of the event, it is optimal to use all three "Metaphorical Cards" decks.


Briefly about ten trilogy cards combinations.
Trilogy's decks of the metaphorical cards complement and reinforce each other. Some card combinations will help in solving certain tasks. A combination of two or three cards can be:
- laid out with a specific request, enter the streams of their energies and then go about your business;
- use as a tool for modeling events and states for specific tasks;
- apply for the prevention and restoration of the purity of consciousness, physical and subtle bodies, the integrity of the energy structure;
- for elimination of destructive social structures, no longer relevant generic programs and behavior patterns.


  • How to use metaphorical cards?

    Metaphorical cards help to get additional information for making a decision or a clearer understanding of the accompanying circumstances.

    Cards can work as advice for every day. They can help to understand and analyze the current situation in detail.

    Before drawing one or several cards, it is essential to tune in to yourself, your question, and your day. We live in such a dense and saturated information space that the drawn card will not be accidental and will correspond to the current life configuration, the lace of fate, and the energy of a particular person.

    "Preparation is necessary to take advantage of an opportunity. Both preparation and internal configuration must correspond to what the person wants. Just the cards can help to get to a reference state from which the order of the best future is possible."

    A deck of metaphorical cards carries its energy-transforming structure. Subconsciously, people strive to live according to the code of the Soul. Each card has the potential for actualization and synchronization with the code of one's Soul, helping to live in a world of inspiration and creativity.

    A deck of metaphorical cards carries its energy-transforming structure. Subconsciously, people strive to live according to the code of the Soul. Each card has potential for actualization and synchronization with the code of one's Soul, helping to live in a world of inspiration and creativity.

    There are no direct predictions in metaphorical cards. These are energy-conducting cards that make up events. They form a matrix of processes that we are currently experiencing.

    The basis of the metaphorical card "Zodiac and Runes" is a runes combination as codes of the planet Earth and the Universe's laws, which are given to us through the Upper and Lower Zodiac signs. They help us to understand what and in what form can happen to us. Moon cards are a guide to internal processes; they suggest that you work for the optimal implementation of what you have planned. They reflect deep states and how a person feels within the event. Solar cards energize and build a corridor of realization.

    "Metaphoric cards" - a trilogy of pictorial collections and decks of cards to them: "Zodiac and runes", "Moon", "Sun". The project's author is historian, astrologer, and artist Natalya Bondarenko. The texts for the cards are based on the channelings of energy practitioner Helena Goleva. The deck of metaphorical cards "Moon" (hereinafter - "lunar cards") is based on multifaceted and multi-layered images of the lunar calendar. The Moon is a portal that connects us with a parallel world. The lunar calendar, its encodings, images, and symbols are a guide to the manifested world of the Earth. Lunar cards give us a system of hints on the way to meet our depth.

    They help to read subtle energy information to actualize the facets of the Soul, which are necessary for today's processes to solve emerging ones. Moon cards are a guide in the journey of the Soul to itself and the Universe.

    There is everything in the human heart. You need to visit there more often. You already know everything that metaphorical cards can tell you. It is written in the depths of your Soul. The images of the cards only help to turn inward and read one's, own Soul. The truth can be learned without books and outside help. For this, you need to be able to live with an open heart and learn to turn to it. It is essential to be able to be alive and to discard unnecessary and external things.

    Come to the simplicity that is so necessary and so rare. Go your way to where your Soul needs. Turning inward helps to find synchronization with nature's rhythms and the Moon's cycles.

    If you and I are in the same corridor of reality, perhaps you need this information from the "Metaphoric Cards" trilogy - to actualize the knowledge that is already inside you. Try not to rely on what you have heard or read. At a depth of our own and all simultaneously, we are all one.

    Metaphorical cards are one of the ways of direct communication with one's spiritual depth.

    All the information of the metaphorical cards is translated from the unspoken divine language into a human. The original is always outside the words and behind the words. The project's author understands and remembers that he is only a kind of window and translator; the originals are non-verbal. Windows differ in shape, size, and transparency. Light is light, not windows. As soon as we consider ourselves the source of the world, we become a blank wall instead of a window. Art and creativity allow you to reproduce and interpret what you have received from above.

    In one parable of the Catholic priest Anthony de Mello, it is told how God once asked the Master for advice:

    " — I want to play hide-and-seek with people. I asked my angels where would be the best place to hide. They offered me different places: in the depths of the ocean, on top of the highest mountain, on the far side of the Moon, and a distant star. What would you advise?

    The Master replied:

    "Hide in a person's heart - that's where they won't even think to look!"

    Look into your heart more often. The "Metaphoric Cards" trilogy will help you with this.

  • How to use cards if I am a beginner?

    For one, a crow, cancer, or scorpion will be a sign of support, and for another, a sign of stopping. I deliberately do not give a detailed interpretation of mythological sections and archetypes that may be related to the card. At the same time, the keywords and meanings are indicated in the instructions.

    After a given question, a person can decipher the meaning of a card or card layout in one to three days.

    I would recommend that after working with the cards, spend the day alone with your question and the emotion that the image of the fallen card evokes. Most likely, you will receive additional signs and hints of space. A person will come to his awareness and understanding of the answer. This is a very individual process. Everyone has their own pace and language of symbols. Space speaks to us in the most understandable language of signs and images.

    This knowledge is beyond humans. This is a project implemented in a stream. This information comes at the right time in the right place, as if we stretched out our hands and opened a book on the right page.

    I worked with various mantic (divining) systems and with metaphorical cards of other authors. Based on many years of experience, I can say: there is no question to which there is no answer. Or this question must be asked several times over some time. I do not recommend asking the same question several times during the day. Sometimes the situation has to mature, and you just have to wait.

    Do not ask the same question during the day several times. Sometimes the situation must mature; you just have to wait. Repeat your inquiry in 24 hours. And if it's serious, you can return to it in a month.

History of creation

Metaphorical cards "Zodiac and runes" are the result of the research of historian and astrologer Natalya Bondarenko. This is a visual interpretation of the symbols, images, and metaphors of the Upper and Lower zodiacs in combination with the runes of the Elder Futhark.
I worked with several monographs on runes and many textbooks and books on astrology. Specialists of runologists and astrologers of the Avestan school of astrology, reconstructed and developed into a complete system by P.P. Globo, have come a long way and discovered deep layers of information that can be used now.

The basis of my project is a runes combination of the planet Earth's codes and the Universe's laws, which are given to us through the signs of the Upper and Lower zodiac. The solution was provided by the "esoteric abodes of the planets" and the correspondence of the runes to the planets. The key to choosing a match was the description of the esoteric abodes of the worlds by Pavel Pavlovich Globa. In determining the correspondence of the planets to the Runes of the Elder Futhark, I relied on the research of the runologist Oleg Synko. After the exclusion of 12 cards corresponding to the signs of the Upper Zodiac, it remained to distribute the remaining runes according to the more familiar circle of the Lower Zodiac.

Ancient systems of runes and astrology are massive compared to me. My information flow in this project is primarily related to the energy of these systems. The project "Metaphoric Cards" embodies these energies in multi-layered images. Systems of the zodiac and runes — the project's basis, essence, content, and material. The way to integrate them, see them and interact with them is my discovery.

First and foremost in the natural hierarchy are they, then I, then the cards. For the project's success, such an order must live inside me. Then my flow is perfectly supported by the zodiac and rune systems.

I perceive information from multidimensional coding and translate it into the language of images and words. I unpack the information received from space and adapt it to the modern world. My version of the correspondence between runes and zodiac signs has its logic and justification, and it is not the only possible one. Around these symbols, there are other interpretation options and a combined one. They all have the right to life. The creation of the images for the "Metaphoric Cards" project took place in a flow.

I took responsibility for two processes: to perceive and display, in this case, I acted as a guide and researcher. Images of future cards dreamed and troubled me, needing realization. The most challenging thing was to choose a specific plot from all the metaphorical and mythological sections to illustrate each card. My author's vision and reading of this material determined which option was implemented this time. After all, you can make a separate deck for each rune or zodiac sign.

I took responsibility for two processes: to perceive and display, in this case, I acted as a guide and researcher. Images of future cards dreamed and troubled me, needing realization. The most challenging thing was to choose a specific plot from all the metaphorical and mythological sections to illustrate each card. My author's vision and reading of this material determined which option was implemented this time. After all, you can make a separate deck for each rune or zodiac sign.

The deck of metaphorical cards "Moon" (hereinafter - "lunar cards") is based on multifaceted and multi-layered images of the lunar calendar. The Moon is a portal that connects us with a parallel world. The lunar calendar, its encodings, images, and symbols are a guide to the manifested world of the Earth. Lunar cards give us a system of hints on the way to meet our depth. They help to read subtle energy information, to actualize the facets of the Soul necessary today, now, to solve emerging problems.

The deck of metaphorical cards "Moon" (hereinafter - "lunar cards") is based on multifaceted and multi-layered images of the lunar calendar. The Moon is a portal that connects us with a parallel world. The lunar calendar, its encodings, images, and symbols are a guide to the manifested world of the Earth. Lunar cards give us a system of hints on the way to meet our depth. They help to read subtle energy information, to actualize the facets of the Soul necessary today, now, to solve emerging problems.

The deck of metaphorical cards, "The Sun", is based on multifaceted and multi-layered images of the solar calendar. The sun is a portal that connects us with the Universe. The solar calendar, with its encodings, images, and symbols, is a guide to the earthly manifested peace. Solar cards give us a system of hints on the way to realizing our calling. They activate self-awareness and talents necessary for solving current tasks. It's about going to full power and finding maximum brightness.
Interaction with solar maps can become a compass on the path of manifesting one's individuality in the flow of life. They give materialization to plans and optimize the way to achieve results. Through enlightenment, synchronization of personal rhythms with the rhythms of the Universe. Solar cards help implement earthly projects in the context of the holistic manifestation of the Soul and personality.

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